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Brief Profile of the Awardee


Dr Kshitish Ranjan Chakravorty

  • 1968
  • Engineering Sciences
  • 01/02/1916
  • Fertilizer science and technology, Catalysis, Engineering science and fundamental science
Award Citation:

Dr Chakravorty has made pioneering contributions in the development of indigenous process know-how and products, leading to import substitution and building up of indigenous capacity and expertise for planning, design and engineering of large-scale fertilizer and heavy chemical plants. Particularly notable among these is the development of know-how for the entire range of fertilizer catalysts and their manufacture in the country. These catalysts have been developed on the basis of a new theory on the mechanism of catalysis propounded by him, and the integration of this know-how in the design and engineering of fertilizer plants. This breakthrough has led to the establishment of the fertilizer industry on a technologically self-reliant basis and has, in its wake, given an impetus to increased indigenous fabrication of machinery and equipment for fertilizer plants. Dr Chakravorty has been responsible for building up the Planning & Development Division of the Fertilizer Corporation of India into a comprehensive and integrated multi-functional organization. It encompasses the various interrelated and interlinked functions of not only laboratory research, pilot plants, project planning, design engineering, procurement, installation and commissioning of fertilizer plants but also agronomical research, application and promotional activities for finished fertilizers in the country; this has rendered possible self-sufficiency in the fertilizer industry in its entirety.

Academic Qualifications:
Thesis and Guide details:
Details of CSIR Fellowship/ Associateship held, if any or from other sources/ agencies.
Significant foreign assignments:
(a) Significant contributions to science and/ or technology development by the nominee based on the work done in India during most part of last 5 years:
(b) Impact of the contributions in the field concerned:
Places where work of last 5 years has been referred/ cited in Books, Reviews:
(i). Paper Cited
(ii). Book Cited
Names of the industries in which the technology (ies) has (have) been used :
The achievements already been recognised by Awards by any learned body:
The Awardee a fellow of the Indian National Science Academy/Indian Academy of Sciences/National Academy of Sciences/Others:
The Awardee delivered invited lecture(s) in India/abroad and/or chaired any scientific Internatiional Conference Symposium:
List of Awardee's 10 most significant publications.
List of Awardee's 5 most significant publications during the last 5 years
List of Awardee's 5 most significant publications from out of work done in India during the last five years:
Complete list of publications in standard refereed journals:
Complete list of publications with foreign collaborators (indicating your status as author):
List of papers published in Conferences /Symposia/ Seminars, etc:
List of the most outstanding Technical Reports/ Review Articles:
Statement regarding collaboration with scientists abroad:
List of Patents taken
Total number of patents granted in last five years.
Details of Books published:

Contact Details

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5 Dec 2024, https://ssbprize.gov.in/Content/Detail.aspx?AID=280